who on earth said hero wasn't nice?!?!
i'll smack your butt if you said that!
you have my promise
right, my day started at around 11 am. its rare that i'm such a sleepyhead D:
[at times like these, i wish i was using LJ so i could do those lj cuts D:]
[the only reason why i have so many pictures, its because they take a much shorter time than photos to upload. you'll get the pictures soon :D]
anyway, all i did was to watch 2 episodes of love generation and draw a card for anna, and talking to some fickle-minded ashley who wanted lunch with us and said she was broke after that ._.
oh, and kaiying was supposed to watch hero with us, but her dad didn't allow D:
anyway kaikai! we shall watch another movie together, and staying at home might be a good thing too :D
so i set off at 1244, being slightly late. doesn't matter [i hope], cause anna and I got our bubble teas to smuggle into the theatre and our lip-smacking linguine marinara at pastamania!
okay, it wasn't really that lip-smacking, cause the clams were this tiny and the squid tasted weird. the linguine was fine, though. and as i said earlier, its the talking during lunch that makes it nice, ain't it!
being the slow eater i was, we arrived at the theatre 43 minutes late, only to find out that they were still doing advertisments. yes, we were armed with popcorn and cheesenachos of course :D
phew, we didn't miss the beginning of the show. but i was shocked and surprised that only 5 rows in the middle were filled?! why?! i think most people didn't watch the drama, so they told others it was a horrible show D:
ohyes, hero topped the charts in japan for SIX weeks. so, i say it'll be nice! i mean, IT IS NICE!
yes i've got to admit, you HAVE to watch the drama to understand the show, since the case was partly linked to the series, and if you haven't watched the SP, i don't think you'll understand the part where kuryu was talking to the man behind the bars [the president of the company, who murdered a man and was prosecuted by kuryu]
maybe that's why people said it sucked.
don't watch drama = don't understand movie.
well, something like that. you'll just get lost halfway D:
the movie was really like the drama, i think. the way they showed the cast and all only after some time [on that concrete pavement thing with all the trees]

the tree place HAHA

don't you find it familiar :D
the first part wasn't entertaining, to speak the truth. the scenes have been changed too quickly, which leaves you with a "HUH?" that makes the supposedly funny parts not so funny D:
AND CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, THE COUPLE NEXT TO ME LEFT HALFWAY! was it that boring T.T at least appreciate the show since you paid 7 bucks for it right D:
but anyway, kuryu is still as cute as ever! kimura takuya's hairstyle looks good on him, and its difficult to not laugh at him and the tvshopping things. think jiggly wheel, anna and I were like ROFL when he was doing those workouts. so adorable! ^^

jigglywheel thing! :D
oh, and i'm amazed he hasn't changed the slightest bit over the years, but he's seriously the cutest in hero! :D yes, kuryu is still as smart as ever, but he didn't seem as smart as he was in the dramas. D: he's still got his trademark brown jacket on [which makes me LAUGH after watch SMAPxSMAP court ep 9!]

trademark jacket
and i find his little talk in the courtroom about justice and all rather amusing. i don't know why, but it does remind me of the drama :D

there's just too much for me to say about kuryu! kimura is just a fantabulous actor. that's all i got to say.

{i've koped all the picture from the smapmania site oO}
amamiya, or takako matsu, looks weird and ugly with her new hairstyle -.- but anyway! i'm happy cause amamiya and kuryu managed to kiss at the last part! actually the kiss seems pretty forced to me, its just like some fan service or something. kuryu kissing? weird. HAHA! and i like the way amamiya says how she'll stick with kuryu till the end cause she's his aid and all, that's so sweet :} and those korean phrases in her book was cute too! just give her old hairstyle back! and i don't remember amamiya being that clumsy. D:

no, he ain't really hugging her. just comforting her from the trauma of kidnapping. they didn't really tell us why she got kidnapped, or was i just not attentive oO

awwww :D
endo is super cute and hilarious too! especially when he stands next to shibayama! he's just like a dwarf next to him, and remember the part where they were trying to catch the person at the car scraping site! he was like "AHHH I AM SO GOING TO CATCH HIM! ITS MY DUTY YOU CAN LEAVE THE REST TO ME!" i guess he was probably jealous of shibayama for catching the murderer the other time, haha! plus, endo is gay! :D
Egami and Suetsugu makes me amused, too! suetsugu is just gay too, jumping and hurting his legs while dancing was hilarious, hahahaha. i've got nothing to say about misuzu! i like the part where everybody was searching for the photos, and she was in the office covering her ears [that looks damn cute] and after awhile she helps in the search too ^^ egami stands there, wanting to help but pretending he didn't want to! i wonder how many times i've said the word cute...
ah yes, shibayama. I THOUGHT HE HAD A SON?!?! or did i remember wrongly? his conversations with his daughter's quite funny :D "did you read the news? *yaddaa*" and she'll go like, "URUSAI!" its supposed to be translated to shut up or something, i think. stop calling sounds the same anyway...shibayama is.. tall. any other comments?
as for the korean guy, i can't even remember his name o.O he just said a few sentences, i just remember him saying to kuryu "don't let her go"[don't let amamiya go] in korean, then kuryu was acting as if he understood, then turned around to amamiya and said "what did he just say?!" amamiya didn't know either, which led to a pretty interesting scene at the end :}
oh, the lawyer [i forgot his name -.-] is pretty cool in my opinion. no comment.
sorry this review's in bits and pieces.
ohyes, the stuff were abit exaggerated though, looking for 853 people's phones and going to korea just to find a car? LOL.
the court scenes were pretty interesting though, kuryu against a pro layer = interesting. i like kuryu's face when he was demonstrating the wig thing in the dark :D
now, what else did i like?
the bird's eye view shootings! where you see the office in top view, the doors closing one by one and all! and of course...
THE BARTENDER! :D anna and I were like, YAY! ITS THE BARTENDER! cause he serves EVERYTHING. "aru yo" [now was the spelt correctly] with that super serious but hilarious face. i miss kuryu watching the tv advertisements at the bar. the last part was nice :D
amamiya suddenly said the pharse "don't let her go" to kuryu, and he was like "OH, the phrase the korean guy said earlier, now, what does that mean?"
and then there's the translation product on tv, the bartender puts the translator on the table, kuryu speaks into it, and found out the meaning. that was funny already, amamiya's expression was priceless :D
and here's the best part! he speaks in spanish, [he's been learning it through the ipod since the start of the show] leaving amamiya with a "HUH?"! the coolest bartender on earth steps up, speaks into the translator and the screen reads "you have my promise" [i think that was what he said] so uber sweet :D don't the fangirls feel at ease now? hahaha
everyone in the theatre went like Awwwww! and the movie ends with them kissing. HAHAHA
now, where on earth can i find that picture HAHAHA.

what a long entry. anna lim! hero is NICE RIGHT! :D ITS AWESOME AND AMAZING!
we spilled popcorn halfway, and anna returned home at 4 after we went to the toilet since she had tuition D:
waited for ashley for 45 minutes and walked around alone in century square. lets see, i bought an umbrella and food :D had to leave after an hour D: i like shopping hahahahahahah!

smap is cool :D
anon: omg youtube -.- haha okay thanks anyway (:
emma: yes its youtube D: very sad yes, you're welcome watch it! or actually you can watch all those dramas i've rated 5 stars

anon: haha.. youtube is already a turnoff... wished they upload at veoh or crunchyroll where it has so much more bandwith >< class="pn_std">
emma: they have it at crunchyroll actually, try searching. boo!
anon: lol okay!
emma: lol okay thanks are you nice enough to tell me who you are ;D
anon: uhhhhhhhh nope! LOL.
claire CHIN: hey emma going out with you was real fun yeah! haha guess i miss having someone with the exact same height and high metabolic rate. ooh check this out, they've got cute stuff green-poppies.livejournal
{haha yup it was! :D LETS GO OUT AGAIN ONE DAY! :D and the stuff there are really cute thanks! :D lets hope we'll be TALLER the next time we meet, and that we'll still eat ALOT and never grow fat :D}
tingwei: hoho!! i'm here! =D
ada`: hello hello. I won't be touching the piano for sometime. heehee. {love}
{*shakes head* HAHA! i wonder how long that would be man, the colour's pretty though ^^}
anqi: heyheyHEY! xd
anqi: XD*
{heyheyHEY! HEY YOOOO! :D}
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